An incredible true story
“I was born without a name.
Names are only given to dogs who have humans. My mother didn’t have a human, and neither did her pups.”
This is the true story of Dobby, a dog born on a tiny island off of Panama. I met Dobby on the first night of a six-month work project. He was barely full-grown, skinny, and tick-ridden. Though he was shy and skittish, he managed to work up the courage to take a cracker from my hand before darting away.
The moment he took the cracker, our worlds began to intertwine. This little stray started hanging around and slowly developed trust in the humans around him. We fed him, bathed him, and stroked his fur. We named him Dobby.
Dobby took a shine to me and started following me everywhere–on hiking trails, to my dorm, and even into the ocean!
But something happened that shook our happy world. A land developer on the island issued an order to round up all the stray island dogs–Dobby included–and have them shipped to a tiny deserted island, where they would slowly perish. With a looming threat on Dobby’s life, I began to figure out how to save my friend…
He Found Me is available on Amazon.
More about Dobby’s story on The Bitter Blog.
Author: KateBitters
Kate Bitters is a Minneapolis-based author and freelance writer. She is the author of Elmer Left, Ten Thousand Lines, and He Found Me. One of her proudest/nerdiest moments was when Neil Gaiman read one of her short stories on stage at the Fitzgerald Theater.