Kate Bitters is the author of He Found Me, Elmer Left, and Ten Thousand Lines.
Bitters writes in the style of magical realism, influenced by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Toni Morrison, and Neil Gaiman. Her short story was picked by the MPR program, Wits, to be read aloud by Mr. Gaiman during one of their shows in winter, 2015.
Kate Bitters is the pen name of Kate Leibfried, author of the children's book ¿Cómo se llama tu llama? She is a freelance writer, book coach, and founder of Click Clack Writing, LLC.
Her forthcoming novel is Ellie Half-Shadow and the Mayan Prophecy.
“Ten Thousand Lines” is an intriguing tale with unexpected plot developments. It’s easy to become invested in the character’s lives and captivated by the various possible outcomes. Both the story and many poetic individual lines resonate with a reader longer after the last page has been turned.

Jenna Bendel
Bitter’s novel is a massive onion of layers. Digging her sharp dagger, peeling away layer after layer, the author pokes and prods at government, religion, intolerance, bigotry and just for the fun of it, a little sexual repression. Bitters allows us to laugh with Elmer, cry a little with him and triumph as he struggles to come to grips, not with a new life, but with himself.

Author Alan Black
Complex, violent, and thoughtful, a book to disturb your sleep long after you’ve finished.
Bitters’ prose is complex and eloquent, permeated with startling imagery and powerful language.

Author Karl Jorgenson
The Bitter Blog
Ghostwriting FAQs
NOTE: This blog post was first published on the Click Clack Writing blog. Since I announced my latest book project, the biography of Dr. Reatha Clark King (to be released for sale in November, 2021), I’ve been getting tons of […]
My Top 20 Book Recs (from my 2020 reading list)
The year 2020 was a rough one for nearly everyone (Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk excluded, perhaps). In my own life, I lost a relative (my mom’s cousin) to COVID and my Minneapolis neighborhood became defined by police clashes and […]
It’s Dobby Week!!
Today, I’m kicking off a very special week. Since Friday marks the anniversary of my pup coming to America (we met while I was working in Panama), I’m celebrating the week with fun facts, photos, and even a couple of […]