Ghostwriting FAQs

Ghostwriting FAQs

NOTE: This blog post was first published on the Click Clack Writing blog. Since I announced my latest book project, the biography of Dr. Reatha Clark King (to be released for sale in November, 2021), I’ve been getting tons of […]

My Top 20 Book Recs (from my 2020 reading list)

Top 20 books of 2020

The year 2020 was a rough one for nearly everyone (Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk excluded, perhaps). In my own life, I lost a relative (my mom’s cousin) to COVID and my Minneapolis neighborhood became defined by police clashes and […]

It’s Dobby Week!!

Dobby dog in a canoe

Today, I’m kicking off a very special week. Since Friday marks the anniversary of my pup coming to America (we met while I was working in Panama), I’m celebrating the week with fun facts, photos, and even a couple of […]

Celebrating a Special Milestone

Dobby the dog in Panama

Ten years ago, on October 23rd, a scrawny, black and tan dog boarded a plane in San José, Costa Rica and landed in Dallas, Texas. That’s the simple version of a much longer story involving my (now senior) dog, Dobby. […]

You Can Survive (not just a book title)

dandelion growing in desert

When I began writing my middle grade novel, You Can Survive, I had no idea how relevant the main message would be. In the book, 13-year-old Carmen is acutely aware of all the injustices and “tiny apocalypses” (her phrase, not […]

What on earth is Kate up to?

feet overlooking spray lakes provincial park

2019 started with the best laid plans. I was going to concentrate on book coaching, blog about survival tips, do a little ghost writing, and finish (and polish) my middle grade manuscript before sending out query letters to agents. 2019 […]