Sometimes You Just Need a Lil’ Haiku
A Haiku: Dead trees line the walksArms up like fallen spidersKilled by Christmas cheer
Words are magic.
A Haiku: Dead trees line the walksArms up like fallen spidersKilled by Christmas cheer
The holidays have slid past us once again. And it’s easy to forget about the little things that make them special–the family dinners, the effort your friend took to buy you the perfect gift, the warm well-wishes of strangers at […]
The one present that’s always on my list: a good book! Give the gift of adventure, imagination, and escape to someone you love this year. Give a book. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Kate
Still alive today? Don’t be surprised. Solomon isn’t. According to Hollywood hype and end-of-the-world sensationalists, the world was scheduled to end this morning at around 5 a.m. The rumor is that the Mayan calendar mysteriously ends on December 21st, 2012, […]
Standing Sideways on the Earth Standing sideways on the earth, Sprouting out from her belly like zits Or hairs that stand on end, Do we think about the way we’re standing, Standing sideways on the earth, Sprouting out from her […]
The beginning of the month was chaos. Boxes everywhere, an overly big (and accident prone) moving truck, piles of clothes and shoes on the floor, a huge gap in my room where a bed should have been… Moving is tough. […]
It’s been a couple of weeks since I went to her show at the Minneapolis State Theater and Regina is still humming in my head: They’ll name a city after us And later say it’s all our fault Then they’ll […]
Many of you have expressed interest in my second book, Ten Thousand Lines. I am over halfway through writing it (at least I think I am…you can never be sure!), so I feel confident enough to divulge a little […]
Dear Friends and Readers, Starting tomorrow, the 25th of September, an eReader version of my book, Elmer Left, will be available for FREE on Amazon. “Why free?” you ask. Because it is not about the money. I want my book […]
I should like Samsara. I’m the perfect demographic: a young, artist-type who believes the interconnectivity between humans and between humans and nature is of utmost important. I should have left the theater awed by the camera work and elaborate visual effects of […]