The Bruce in Your Life

I work at a bank–one of the big ones. It’s terrible. I watch money pass through my hands every day and wish it was mine. I grudgingly tell customers about free credit reports/online banking/credit card offers. I force small talk […]

Excerpt from “Elmer Left.”

It’s about time I included an excerpt from the novel I’m about to publish. This selection was chosen from Part II of “Elmer Left.” I won’t explain the context of the scene…that’s for you to find out when you read […]

How Creativity Works

The creative process works differently for different people. I find I can pick up bits of inspiration throughout my day from my surroundings, but in order to hammer those fluttering thoughts into something brilliant, I need a quiet space, plenty […]

Deciding to Self-Publish (A Rant)

We’re taking over the publishing world guerilla-style. Do you hear that Viking Press? Do you feel me Simon and Schuster? Are you picking up what I’m layin’ down Random House? We own you now, not vice versa. We’re in control […]

Apathy VS. Joseph Kony

In the battle of Apathy VS. Joseph Kony, we have a clear victor: Kony 2012. When the nonprofit organization Invisible Children launched their KONY 2012 video in March of this year, it didn’t take long for a heated (and sometimes […]

Fight for the Write

Sometimes we have to fight for our passions. If you’re a working artist, you understand. If you believe in having a life outside of work, you understand. If you’re passionate about anything–the guitar, your Jack Russell Terrier, traveling, your children, […]