What is the name of YOUR llama?
“I bought this book to continue exposing my son to multiple languages in our home. It’s fun, funny and while he’s not talking yet he mimics my vocal fluctuations when we read this book. The audio provided helps perfect my poor pronunciation, it’s benefiting all of us!” -Amazon Review
What is the Name of Your Llama?
Have fun learning Spanish as you follow the adventures of little Rafael and his llama. Climb mountains, collect frogs, play soccer with a spider…and be back in time for bed! Written in Spanish with an English translation
¿Cómo se Llama tu Llama?
Siga las adventuras del niño Rafael y su llama. ¡Escala montañas, recoge sapos, juega fútbol con una araña…y regresa para dormir en tu cama! Escrito en español con una traducción al inglés
“Excellent kids book to get some Spanish and a fun story. The artwork is wonderful as well!”-Amazon Review
This book was written for Rafael, the son of my dear friend, Kati, whom I met in Quito, Ecuador.
Kati: Qué suerte que encontré a una amiga como tú.
Find ¿Cómo se Llama tu Llama? on Amazon. FREE AUDIO BOOK WITH PURCHASE.
Author: KateBitters
Kate Bitters is a Minneapolis-based author and freelance writer. She is the author of Elmer Left, Ten Thousand Lines, and He Found Me. One of her proudest/nerdiest moments was when Neil Gaiman read one of her short stories on stage at the Fitzgerald Theater.