Writing Limbo

Sometimes I write something that I know is good.  I mean, earth-shattering, mind-blowing, gut-wrenching good.  Sometimes I’m not so sure.  Right now I’m experiencing the latter.  It happened in “Elmer Left” and it’s happening in “10,000 Lines.”  I call it […]

10,000 Lines: A Snippet

Hello reading world, “Elmer Left” is out there.  It’s fending for itself (until I get on the ball with a bit more marketing).  To be honest, I’m a little sick of Elmer.  That will happen when you’ve read it through […]

I’m Sorry (but not really…)

I haven’t posted anything new lately.  I haven’t been writing.  For that, I am sorry…but not really. I’m not really sorry because I’ve been editing and editing and editing and editing my novel, Elmer Left, so that it is shiny […]

Deciding to Self-Publish (A Rant)

We’re taking over the publishing world guerilla-style. Do you hear that Viking Press? Do you feel me Simon and Schuster? Are you picking up what I’m layin’ down Random House? We own you now, not vice versa. We’re in control […]

Fight for the Write

Sometimes we have to fight for our passions. If you’re a working artist, you understand. If you believe in having a life outside of work, you understand. If you’re passionate about anything–the guitar, your Jack Russell Terrier, traveling, your children, […]