Standing Sideways on the Earth: A Free Write

Standing Sideways on the Earth

Standing sideways on the earth,
Sprouting out from her belly like zits
Or hairs that stand on end,
Do we think about the way we’re standing,
Standing sideways on the earth,
Sprouting out from her belly like zits
Or hairs that stand on end?
Most likely we don’t,
Don’t think about the way
We spring from the earth.
Don’t think about the angle we make
When you see us from space.
Most likely we just live,
Live sideways,
Live ninety degrees or forty-five,
Thinking thoughts that don’t make us quite as dizzy
As thinking about living sideways on the earth.
Most likely we just live.

We live.

Author: KateBitters

Kate Bitters is a Minneapolis-based author and freelance writer. She is the author of Elmer Left, Ten Thousand Lines, and He Found Me. One of her proudest/nerdiest moments was when Neil Gaiman read one of her short stories on stage at the Fitzgerald Theater.